2016 Mission Trip: Haiti
Vision for Haiti 2016
We want to take this opportunity to say thank you so much for all your support with Vision for Haiti 2016! Whether big or small, your contribution made a huge difference in the lives of the Haitian children on Voodoo Mountain! The trip was unbelievable, and we would like to give you some pictures and details on what 20/20 staff and friends did while in Haiti!
Kids Examined
Respire Staff Examined
Personally Made Glasses Provided
One of our biggest concerns was getting through customs with all the glasses and equipment without being “taxed” (or exploited) in the Haiti airport. God truly went before us and led the way. Once we got all of our bags, the customs officials flagged us through, not one bag checked. It was beyond belief, and you can only imagine our relief. Once we started working, we dealt with a lot of obstacles. We had team members become dehydrated, over heated, and even pass out. Other members had the Haitian rash, mosquito bites, and allergies. And most everyone had diarrhea. Regardless, not one single team member missed a day of work and a chance to contribute to our mission. Although we faced struggles, we buckled down and pressed on. This does not even touch the ones missing home, loved ones, and feeling the strain of a foreign country. The thing that was most difficult was it being 100+ degrees, and only having hot water to drink with no ice. The team had to hike up a mountain, to the very top, every morning to start work, and hike back down again when our day was done. It was truly eye-opening to see the poverty level in Haiti and how simple their ways of living are. This trip has forever changed the lives of our entire team! GOD MOVES!
We fell in love with the kids!
They were so happy with so little. These precious children were truly a blessing to all of us. There were people that touched and changed our lives forever! We wanted to send this letter to you because we are so thankful for you! WITHOUT YOU NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN POSSIBLE. You share in the blessings that we have experienced!
We were blessed to be able to see all of the 500 kids at Respire and 28 staff and employees. We were even given the chance to see a few construction works working on site and the translators provided to us for the week. The most gracious thing about this trip is Dr. Malouf made it very different than most mission trips. She made it possible to have all the right resources available to provide full exams, just like here in the United States. We also brought glasses for the kids to choose from. Once we got back home, we worked o order lenses and fill the prescriptions for each pair of glasses needed in Haiti. So each child has their exact prescription in the frames they chose! To children to live so simply, it was such a joy and pleasure for them. Like most kids on Christmas morning! YOUR donations made all of this possible! We provided U.S. care- actually, TEXAS care, in Haiti. We provided 25 pairs of glasses made personally by the staff of 20/20 Vision Care from right here in Wills Point, Texas. Today, February 17th, those glasses were finally able to be packaged up and shipped to the next team going in to do missions. Our call has been completed, and we are beyond appreciative of all the caring hearts who gave to our calling.
What’s next?
Well, that is a great question. Since we shipped glasses today, Dr. Malouf and her husband will begin in prayer for where and what God has next for our team. We most definitely plan on going and providing wherever God may lead us.
Sincerely Thanking You,
Vision for Haiti Team
Book Your Appointment Today!
20/20 Vision Care
140 W James St,
Wills Point, TX 75169